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Where can I find dental hygiene schools in New York?

I'm considering a career in dental hygiene and am looking for schools in New York that offer programs in this field. Does anyone have recommendations or insights into which schools I should consider?

5 days ago

New York offers several accredited dental hygiene programs at various community colleges and universities.

1. New York University College of Dentistry (NYU Dentistry): NYU Dentistry offers a Bachelor of Science degree program in dental hygiene. This full-time program is unique as it allows students to earn their degree in less than 3 years.

2. Farmingdale State College: This college offers a dental hygiene Bachelor of Science degree program as well. The school boasts a high rate of employment for its graduates in the field.

3. Erie Community College: The school provides an Associate Degree in Applied Science (A.A.S.) with a specialization in dental hygiene. The program is designed to be completed in 2 years full-time.

4. Hudson Valley Community College (HVCC): HVCC offers a dental hygiene A.A.S. degree that can also be completed in 2 years full-time.

5. Monroe Community College: This community college offers a comprehensive dental hygiene A.A.S. degree. Their program includes a multi-skills learning laboratory, state-of-the-art equipment, and computer applications.

Remember, accredited schools are crucial because they meet or surpass minimum standards of quality set by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA), a requirement for professional licensure. It's also highly recommended to visit the campus (if possible), talk to current students or alumni, and see if these programs fit your career aspirations. Good luck with your dental hygiene career!

5 days ago

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