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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What majors are available at DePaul University?

I'm currently looking into DePaul University and would like to know more about the majors they offer. Is there anything specific that they're really known for or strong in?

5 days ago

DePaul University offers a breadth of undergraduate and graduate programs across a wide spectrum of disciplines. They have two campuses in Chicago and provide over 300 undergraduate majors and graduate programs.

Here are some of areas of study provided by DePaul university:

1. Business: including Accountancy, Economics, Finance, Marketing, and Management

2. Communication: including Journalism, Media and Cinema Studies, and Public Relations

3. Computing and Digital Media: including Animation, Computer Science, Game Design, and Information Technology

4. Education: including Early Childhood Education, Secondary Education, and Bilingual Education

5. Health: including Nursing, and Health Sciences

6. Liberal Arts & Social Sciences: including Anthropology, English, History, and Sociology

7. Music: including Performance, Music Education, and Sound Recording Technology

8. Science & Health: including Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Environmental Science, and Psychology

9. Theatre: Including Acting, Costume Design, and Theatre Studies

DePaul University is especially known for its programs in Business and Communication. Their Kellstadt Graduate School of Business and College of Communication are highly regarded. Furthermore, the school's location in Chicago provides students with numerous opportunities for internships and job placements.

If you're looking into a specific area of study or have a particular career path in mind, I recommend reaching out to the DePaul University admissions office or browsing their website to find the most accurate, up-to-date information. They may be able to provide detailed information on the majors you are interested in.

5 days ago

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