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How does Liberty University support students in finding career opportunities?

I'm looking into Liberty University and I'm curious about what kind of career support they offer. Do they have strong connections with potential employers or career fairs to help students transition into the workforce?

5 days ago

Liberty University does provide a number of career services to support its students. The school's Career Center plays a central role in this, offering resources that range from career counseling and resume reviews to job search strategies and interview preparation.

One of the key features of Liberty's Career Center is their hosted career fairs. These events not only allow students to meet potential employers directly but also provide opportunities for networking, information gathering, and on-the-spot interviews. They often host industry-specific career fairs, such as for nursing, business, or communications, which can be especially relevant depending on your field of interest.

Additionally, using the 'Handshake' platform, students have access to a wide variety of postings for full-time jobs, internships, and part-time positions from employers looking to hire Liberty students specifically. This tool is integral in connecting students with prospective employers and opportunities suited to their field of study and career aspirations.

Liberty also facilitates a program called 'Externship on Location' or 'ExperienceLU', which provide students with an opportunity to visit companies, network with professionals, and gain firsthand exposure to various working environments.

Finally, the university also provides comprehensive resources for educational and career planning. This includes major exploration events and workshops aimed at helping students understand the career paths that align with their academic interests and personal goals.

Remember, making the most of these resources often requires proactive engagement on your part. Regularly visiting the Career Center, attending career fairs, and actively using the online career tools can significantly enhance your career readiness and job prospects after graduation.

5 days ago

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