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Which universities in Virginia have strong business programs?

I'm planning to pursue a business degree and I'm looking into universities in Virginia. Can anyone recommend schools with notable business programs or strong connections to industries?

5 days ago

Absolutely, there are several universities in Virginia that are renowned for their business programs. Here are a few to consider:

1. University of Virginia (UVA): The McIntire School of Commerce at UVA is consistently ranked among the top undergraduate business programs in the nation. It offers concentrations in areas like finance, accounting, marketing, and management. The school's alumni network is extensive and often provides opportunities for internships and post-graduation employment.

2. College of William and Mary: The Mason School of Business provides students with hands-on experiential learning opportunities, including field consultancy programs where students work with real-world clients.

3. Virginia Tech: Pamplin College of Business at Virginia Tech also has standout programs, particularly its business information technology, and hospitality and tourism management programs.

4. George Mason University (GMU): The School of Business at GMU offers a solid curriculum paired with opportunities to connect with businesses in the nearby Washington D.C. area.

5. James Madison University (JMU): JMU's College of Business is well-regarded, particularly in areas like computer information systems and management.

It's important to research and find the program that not only has a great reputation but also aligns with your specific interests in the field of business. Remember to look beyond just the rankings to the resources, opportunities, and connections each program can offer you.

5 days ago

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