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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What majors does Cal State Fullerton offer?

I'm considering applying to Cal State Fullerton and want to know more about the majors they provide. Is there a strong emphasis on business or communications? Any feedback on their academic strengths would be appreciated!

5 days ago

Cal State Fullerton, like other CSUs, has a wide range of academic programs that should cater to most students' interests. They offer over 50 undergraduate degrees in eight colleges, creating many possibilities for your intellectual growth and career development.

Notably, the College of Business and Economics is one of its strengths. It's accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, a recognition held by only 5% of business schools worldwide. Within this college, you can pursue degrees in areas like Accounting, Economics, Finance, Marketing, and more. There's also a strong emphasis on hands-on learning and internships within this college.

Their College of Communications is also highly rated. In this college, programs extend beyond traditional communications disciplines and include degrees like Advertising, Journalism, Public Relations, and even Cinema and Television Arts.

This being said, CSUF is also strong in other areas like education, engineering & computer science, health & human development, and the arts. To make the most informed decision, explore their website for all of their offered majors, and then dive deeper into the ones you're most interested in to get a sense of the curriculum, faculty, facilities, and opportunities for internships or research.

Lastly, you may want to consider visiting campus if that's practical. On-campus visits can provide you with a clearer sense of campus culture and resources and answer any lingering questions about a particular major. You can also interact with current students and faculty during these visits, which can provide you with perspectives that aren't always apparent in brochures or websites.

5 days ago

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