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SAT: 720 math
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Marist College Degrees: What Options Are Available?

Can anyone provide some guidance on the range of degree programs offered at Marist College? I'm trying to get a sense of what they specialize in and if they have strong programs in the areas I'm interested in, like business or communications.

5 days ago

Marist College is widely known for a broad variety of programs and degrees, offering a dynamic academic environment.

In particular, the School of Management and the School of Communications and the Arts are two such areas where Marist College exhibits strong programs, based on your interest. The School of Management is quite popular and offers majors in areas including Business Administration, and Accounting, with concentrations available in areas like Finance, Marketing, or International Business.

On the other hand, the School of Communication and the Arts offers programs such as a B.A. in Communication with concentrations in areas like Advertising, Sports Communication, and Public Relations. Then there is the B.S. in Media Studies and Production, offering a comprehensive understanding of the media landscape, among other offerings.

However, it's important that you explore these programs thoroughly, not only considering your academic interest but also the unique offerings each program has - for instance, internship opportunities, capstone projects, research opportunities, and faculty expertise in each field.

Remember that rankings and perceived strength of a program can give you an idea of its reputation, but the program's ability to cater to your personal interests, goals, and career objectives is far more significant. It might be beneficial for you to reach out to the admissions office or use online resources available on the Marist College website to further explore these programs!

5 days ago

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