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What Degrees Does Maryville University Offer?

I'm considering applying to Maryville University and am curious about their range of degree programs. Do they have strong offerings in areas like health sciences or business? I'd appreciate any insights into their academic strengths and available degrees.

5 days ago

Maryville University offers an extensive range of degree programs across various fields. Starting with the health sciences, there's the Walker College of Health Professions. This division offers a plethora of degrees within areas such as nursing (including a DNP and MSN-NP), rehabilitation counseling, occupational therapy, physical therapy, music therapy, and more. These programs can lead to potential careers in various medical or healthcare fields.

Furthermore, in business, Maryville has the John E. Simon School of Business that boasts a variety of undergraduate, as well as graduate-level programs. Undergraduates can choose among business administration degrees with various concentrations like marketing, accounting, or cybersecurity. Additionally, graduate students can choose from an array of master's degrees, including an MBA, an MS in Cybersecurity, or even an MS in Data Science, among others.

In addition to these, Maryville also offers degrees in other areas such as art and design, education, humanities, and social sciences. For example, they provide BFA degrees in Interactive Design and Game Development or Studio Art, among others. In the humanities, you might consider a Bachelor of Arts in English, History, or Sociology, just to name a few.

It's worth noting that they also have a robust online degree program, which is excellent for students who wish to study remotely. The online programs cover multiple areas like business, healthcare, and education, providing flexibility for their students.

To get a truly comprehensive overview, you should check out Maryville University's website or connect with an admissions representative who can provide detailed, up-to-date academic information based on your interests and potential career goals.

5 days ago

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