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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How big is the undergraduate population at Notre Dame?

I'm curious about the student experience at Notre Dame. Does anyone know what the undergraduate population is like there? I'm trying to get a sense of how big the school feels.

5 days ago

Notre Dame has a fairly moderate size for a university. It has an undergraduate student population of approximately 9,000 students. The campus environment will feel quite collegiate and spirited, especially due to their well-known athletic programs. However, with the smaller size compared to larger public universities, students often find it easier to form close-knit communities, participate in smaller classes, and interact more personally with faculty. Remember though, size is just one factor when considering the "feel" of a school. It can be helpful to explore student testimonials or virtual tours to get a more holistic picture of the student experience at Notre Dame.

5 days ago

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