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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the deadline for FAMU's application?

I'm considering applying to Florida A&M University and want to make sure I get my application in on time. Can anyone tell me when the deadline for submitting applications is?

6 days ago

The regular decision application deadline for Florida A&M University (FAMU) is May 15th for the fall semester. They also offer Rolling Admissions, which allows for the evaluation and decisioning of applications as they come in until all available spots are filled.

While FAMU offers a generous deadline until May 15th, you'll want to submit your application earlier to ensure that you have ample time to take care of all the other aspects of the application process like letters of recommendation, transcripts, and any necessary financial aid paperwork.

Keep in mind that each department may have its own deadline, particularly if you're applying to specific programs like nursing or business. Always double-check with the department or program to which you're applying to make sure you're aware of all relevant deadlines.

Good luck with your application!

6 days ago

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