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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Wade College: Worth a Try?

I'm interested in design and fashion, and I found Wade College as an option. Does anyone have experience or insights about its programs and campus life? Trying to gauge if it's a good fit for me.

4 days ago

Wade College is known for its specialized focus on design, fashion, and merchandising. The school's curriculum places an emphasis on the practical side of these industries, often incorporating hands-on training along with the usual academic courses.

One of the unique aspects of Wade is its trimester system, which allows students to graduate in a shorter time span than traditional programs. This is beneficial for students eager to enter the workforce quickly. Just remember that you'll be covering the same amount of material in a shorter time, so it may be more intense than a typical college program.

As for campus life, Wade is a small institution, so the community is quite close-knit. Many students appreciate this environment because it allows them to build close relationships with their peers and professors. However, this also means there is less variability in terms of campus activities and student clubs compared to larger schools.

Finally, one highlight of Wade College is its location in Dallas' Market Center, a hub for fashion and design. This creates numerous opportunities for internships and networking, which can be beneficial when you're looking to start your career.

That being said, whether Wade College is a good fit for you really depends on your personal preferences and career goals. Consider visiting the campus, talking to current students, and weighing the pros and cons carefully. Remember that choosing a college is a very personal decision and what works for one person might not work for another.

4 days ago

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