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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Pros and Cons of Wake Forest University

Considering Wake Forest University as an option. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying there? Interested in their academic programs as well as campus life and student support services.

4 days ago

Sure, these are some pros and cons of Wake Forest University:


- Academic Reputation: Wake Forest is known for its rigorous academic programs, this stretches across many disciplines. In particular, their business program is considered top-notch.

- Small Classes and Personal Attention: Due to its size, Wake Forest tends to have small class sizes. This is great for students who value personalized attention and interactions with professors.

- Programs like Wake Washington: Wake Forest has unique programs like Wake Washington, which allows students to work and intern in DC while earning credits. If you're interested in policy, government, or just want real world experience, this can be a huge benefit.


- Cost: Wake Forest is a private university and, as such, tuition and overall expenses can be high. It's best to investigate financial aid opportunities or any scholarships that could potentially offset this.

- Selectivity: Wake Forest is a highly selective institution. While this speaks to the university's reputation, it also means that the admissions process can be very competitive.

- Diversity: Although the university strives to create a diverse environment, past students have expressed concern about a lack of diversity on campus.

In terms of campus life and student support, these aspects largely depend on personal preference. Wake Forest has a vibrant Greek life and an active student body, which means plenty of opportunities to get involved on campus. However, if you're not interested in Greek life, you might find the social scene a bit lacking. The student support services are generally regarded as strong, with resources for mental health, tutoring, and career counseling available. As always, however, I recommend visiting if possible and doing as much research as possible to ensure the school is a good fit for your specific needs and interests.

4 days ago

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