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What is the acceptance rate at Barry University?

I'm curious about Barry University's acceptance rate as I'm considering applying. Does anyone know how competitive the admissions process is and what kind of GPA or test scores applicants usually have?

4 days ago

Barry University, based in Miami, has a relatively high acceptance rate. In recent years, it has stood around 60%. This indicates that the university is somewhat less selective than other institutions.

When it comes to standardized test scores, Barry University adopts a test-optional policy. This means that you're not required to submit SAT or ACT scores, and the university will primarily evaluate applicants based on their GPA, class rank, and the rigor of their high school curriculum.

As for GPA, the majority of admitted students have a GPA of 3.0 and above on a 4.0 scale. Barry University particularly values students who have taken a challenging course load in high school, including AP or IB classes.

Remember, while stats like GPA and test scores are important, they aren't the only factors considered in admissions. Your essay and extracurricular involvement are also significant components of your application, and can help you stand out to the admissions committee.

4 days ago

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