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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's life like at Northwood's campus?

I'm curious about the campus vibe at Northwood. Is it easy to make friends, and are there good extracurriculars? I'm trying to get a feel for the social scene and what the students are like.

4 days ago

Northwood University has a pretty lively campus vibe, amicable, and conducive to making friends. With a smaller student population, the chances that you'll see a familiar face are high. There's a feeling of community and it's generally a welcoming atmosphere. Given the smaller size, it might be a good opportunity to form strong connections.

In terms of extracurriculars, Northwood has a fair amount to offer. There are a variety of clubs and organizations, from academic and professional clubs such as DECA and the Northwood University Competitive Speech Team to cultural organizations and sports clubs. The university has a significant emphasis on entrepreneurship and business, so if that's your area of interest, you'll find lots of tailored activities, such as the Entrepreneurship Society and the American Marketing Association.

The social scene at Northwood is pretty active. One of the biggest social events is the annual "Auto Show," which is student-run and attracts thousands each year. For the sports-inclined, there are many athletic events throughout the school year that foster school spirit and camaraderie.

As for students, many report that they are ambitious, hardworking, and friendly. There's quite a diversity in terms of hometowns, cultures, and interests, contributing to the lively melting pot of the community. As with any college, your experience will be what you make of it. So, getting involved and reaching out to others will undoubtedly enrich your time at Northwood.

4 days ago

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