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AP Stats test duration?

Hey everyone! I'm planning to take the AP Statistics exam next year, and I was wondering how long the test is. Like, how many hours should I prepare myself to sit for during the exam? Thanks!

9 months ago

Hello! The AP Statistics exam is typically divided into two sections, with each section having a set duration. The first section consists of multiple-choice questions and lasts for 1 hour and 30 minutes. In this section, you'll be given 40 questions to answer.

The second section consists of free-response questions. You'll have 1 hour and 30 minutes to work on 6 questions, which comprise short-answer and longer, investigative tasks.

In total, be prepared to spend about 3 hours taking the exam. Keep in mind that there may be some additional time allotted for administrative tasks and breaks between sections. It's a good idea to practice sitting through the entire duration of the exam to get accustomed to the test conditions and build your test-taking stamina.

You might want to take a few full-length practice tests to help you feel more comfortable with the format and timing. Best of luck in your preparations for the AP Statistics exam!

9 months ago

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