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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Advantages of new SAT scoring system?

Hey guys! I've been reading up on the new SAT scoring and I'm curious about how it can benefit students. Does anyone have any insights or analysis on what potential advantages this new system has compared to the old one? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! The new SAT scoring system, introduced in 2016, has some advantages compared to the old one. Key benefits include:

1. Scoring Scale: The new SAT has a score range of 400-1600, compared to the previous 600-2400. This makes it easier for students and colleges to interpret scores since there are fewer possible variations. It's also easier to compare with the ACT.

2. No Penalty for Wrong Answers: Unlike the old system that deducted points for incorrect answers, the new SAT encourages students to answer all questions as there's no penalty for guessing.

3. Streamlined Sections: The new SAT focuses on fewer sections (Reading and Writing combined into one), which reduces the stress of managing multiple sections and allows students to concentrate on skills that are more relevant to college success.

4. More Realistic Math Problems: The updated Math section features real-world applications, teaching students problem-solving skills beyond just memorization of formulas.

Hope this helps!

a year ago

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