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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Why are you applying for this scholarship?

I'm trying to figure out what to write for my scholarship application essay where I have to answer 'Why are you applying for this scholarship?' What are some good reasons to include that would stand out to the selection committee?

a year ago

When crafting your response to this question, you'll want to focus on being genuine while also highlighting your unique qualities. Some key points to consider incorporating into your essay are:

1. Financial Need: Explain your financial situation, but don't just state that you need money. Be specific about how the scholarship would alleviate financial burdens and allow you to focus on your education and goals.

2. Academic Achievements: Share your academic accomplishments and how they relate to your pursuit of higher education and the scholarship itself. Consider how your past successes demonstrate your dedication and motivation.

3. Long-term Goals: Discuss your future aspirations and how obtaining this scholarship would enable you to achieve them. Connect the scholarship to your overall educational and career plans.

4. Unique experiences or perspectives: Explain any experiences or qualities that make you a distinctive candidate for the scholarship. This could include extracurricular activities, community involvement, or personal experiences that have shaped who you are.

Remember to tailor your essay to the specific scholarship and its criteria. Avoid generic statements and focus on what sets you apart from other applicants. Make sure to proofread and revise to ensure your essay is well written and engaging.

a year ago

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