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Scholarships for children of immigrants?

Hi there, my parents are immigrants and I'm always on the lookout for scholarships. Are there any scholarships specifically for children of immigrants? Any help would be amazing, thanks!

a year ago

Hello! There are indeed scholarships available specifically for children of immigrants. Many organizations and foundations recognize the unique challenges and contributions of immigrant families and want to support their educational pursuits. Below are a few examples of scholarships tailored to your background:

1. The Ascend Educational Fund Scholarship - This scholarship is open to immigrant students and children of immigrants who graduate from a New York City high school. Awards range from $2,500 to $20,000 based on merit and financial need.

2. The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans - This prestigious fellowship program is open to permanent residents, naturalized citizens, and DACA recipients under the age of 31. It provides funding for up to two years of graduate study in any field and at any institution in the United States. Each award is for up to $25,000 in stipend support and up to $20,000 in tuition support.

3. The Esperanza Education Fund Scholarship - This scholarship is for students regardless of immigration status, but specifically targets children of immigrants and immigrant students graduating from a high school in the District of Columbia, Maryland, or Virginia. Awards range from $5,000 to $20,000 and are based on financial need.

4. The Dream.US Scholarship - Open to DREAMers with DACA or TPS status, this scholarship provides financial assistance for first-time college students or community college graduates seeking to complete their bachelor's degree. Award amounts vary depending on the student's unmet financial need.

5. The MALDEF Scholarship Resource Guide - The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) offers an extensive list of scholarships for Latino students, many of which are also open to children of immigrants or immigrants themselves.

To maximize your chances of obtaining scholarship funds, I recommend researching additional opportunities beyond this list. Your high school counselor, college financial aid office, and scholarship search engines like Fastweb or can help you identify more scholarships that cater to your specific background and interests. Remember to apply for multiple scholarships and pay close attention to application deadlines and requirements. Good luck!

a year ago

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