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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Anyone participated in MIT's WISE program?

Hey everyone! I recently heard about MIT's WISE program (Weekend Immersion in Science and Engineering) and I think it'd be an interesting experience. Has anyone participated in it? How was your experience, and do you think it's worth applying to?

a year ago

Hello! I'm glad you're interested in the MIT WISE program. While I personally haven't participated in it, I've heard from others who have, and they found it to be an enriching and rewarding experience. The program offers a unique opportunity for high school seniors who are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to get a taste of life at MIT.

During the weekend, you can expect to attend classes, labs, and other workshops that will introduce you to the STEM fields and expose you to professors and students at MIT. Additionally, you will have the chance to meet like-minded students from across the country and form important connections.

One thing worth noting is that the program is highly competitive, but if you're passionate about STEM and have a strong academic record, it's definitely worth applying to. Aside from the learning experience, participating in a program like WISE can demonstrate your commitment to your field of interest and help enhance your college applications.

To sum up, the MIT WISE program can be an excellent opportunity for students to get an inside look at MIT and its STEM offerings, connect with peers and faculty, and learn new skills. If you're seriously considering a future in STEM and think you have a good chance of being accepted into the program, I encourage you to apply. Good luck!

a year ago

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