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Majors Offered at New York University

I'm exploring potential colleges, and NYU is high on my list. Can anyone share some details about the variety of majors available at NYU and which ones the school is particularly known for?

4 days ago

New York University (NYU) is known for its robust academic offerings. It is particularly acclaimed for certain majors, but also provides a wide array of academic options across different disciplines.

NYU is renowned for its programs in Business, particularly through the Stern School of Business. Stern offers programs in areas like Finance, Marketing, Business and Political Economy, and more. Similarly, NYU's Tisch School of the Arts is highly respected, offering majors such as Film and Television, Drama, and Dance, to name a few.

The College of Arts and Sciences also has a wide variety of majors including traditional disciplines like Biology, Computer Science, History, and English. You can also find unique interdisciplinary majors such as Neural Science or Environmental Studies.

For students interested in health professions or nursing, the Rory Meyers College of Nursing and the School of Global Public Health offer relevant programs. The Silver School of Social Work is another prominent department, catering to students with interest in social welfare.

NYU also boasts strong programs through the School of Law and the School of Medicine for graduate-level studies. However, did you know that both schools offer select programs for undergraduates as well, such as a BS in Global Public Health/Sociology, a BS in Global Public Health/Anthropology, and a minor in Bioethics?

Additionally, you might want to consider the major opportunities offered through NYU's global campus network. You can take courses in a variety of disciplines at NYU campuses abroad.

That said, while all these programs are well-regarded, your choice should ultimately align with your future goals and academic interests. Whichever major you choose at NYU, you'll have access to a large, diverse student population and a thriving city filled with resources and opportunities related to almost every field imaginable.

4 days ago

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