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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What colleges are in the Tampa Bay area?

I'm looking to find out more about colleges located around Tampa Bay. Anyone familiar with the options there and if any particular institution is known for strong programs or student activities?

2 months ago

Sure, plenty of colleges and universities are found in the Tampa Bay area. Here are some of the key ones:

1. University of South Florida (USF): USF is a public university located in Tampa and is the largest in terms of enrollment in the area. It has strong programs in health, including nursing and public health, and also is known for its solid engineering programs.

2. University of Tampa: Situated in downtown Tampa, this private institution has a diverse range of majors, with particularly strong programs in business, as well as other areas like biology and criminology. The university is known for a vibrant student life, which includes various clubs and associations.

3. Eckerd College: This private, liberal arts college is located in nearby St. Petersburg and offers a unique blend of liberal arts and sciences programs. Eckerd College is particularly known for their Environmental Studies program. The student community is quite active, with a strong emphasis on community service and outdoor activities.

4. St. Petersburg College (SPC): SPC is a state college located in St. Petersburg and offers a range of associate and bachelor degree programs in fields like health sciences, public safety, and business.

Each of these colleges and universities offers unique strengths, so it’s a good idea to explore each one depending on your field of interest. Don't forget to check out their student life, club activities, and support structures for students too. It's an important part of the college experience!

2 months ago

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