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Boston College High School Tuition Info

I'm considering applying to Boston College High School and need to know about the tuition costs. Does anyone have insights on financial aid options or scholarships that might be available to help with the costs?

11 days ago

Boston College High School is a private institution and its tuition fees tend to be on the higher side. For the 2024-2025 school year, the general tuition is approximately $29,500, depending on the grade level of the student. Additionally, there can be additional expenses such as books, uniforms, transportation, and certain extra-curricular activities.

However, the school does offer several financial aid options to assist families based on their need. Financial aid awards vary depending on each family's financial situation and aid is often given in the form of grants, which do not need to be repaid. When applying, you'll need to complete the Financial Aid Application and submit it alongside your tuition assistance documents, typically by early spring for the following school year.

Boston College High School is also known to offer several scholarships. Some are academic-based, for students with exceptional academic performance, while others may be need-based or related to specific talents such as arts or athletics. For instance, the Ignatian Scholarship is one of the scholarships available which is based on both merit and need.

The scholarships and financial aid opportunities are meant to make education accessible to as many students as possible, regardless of their financial situation, so don't hesitate to review these options and apply if they might be helpful for you. Good luck with your application process!

11 days ago

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