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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Advice for applying to the Coca Cola scholarship?

Hey guys! I stumbled upon the Coca Cola scholarship and it looks like an amazing opportunity. I want to give it my best shot, so I'm wondering if anyone who has applied before or knows someone who has can offer some advice or insights. What do they look for, and are there any tips to help my application stand out? Thanks so much!

a year ago

Hey there! The Coca Cola scholarship is definitely a fantastic opportunity, and I'm glad you're interested in applying. They're known for placing a strong emphasis on leadership, service, and overall impact on your school and community. Here are some tips to hopefully help your application stand out:

1. Focus on your most significant accomplishments, leadership roles, and initiatives that align with the scholarship's values. Be specific about your impact and the challenges you overcame to make that impact.

2. Showcase your personality and unique perspectives throughout your application. Authenticity goes a long way in helping you stand out among a competitive pool of applicants.

3. Take the time to review and polish your application. Strong writing and attention to detail are important as they communicate your professionalism and dedication. If you want to get a second set of eyes on your application, remember that CollegeVine offers both free peer essay review services and paid reviews by expert college admissions advisors.

Good luck!

a year ago

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