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Answering Scholarship Essay Questions?

Hey guys, I'm about to start applying for scholarships and I'm wondering how to approach answering scholarship essay questions. What are some tips and strategies to make my essay stand out and maximize my chances of winning these scholarships? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! I'm glad you're looking into scholarships, and having a strong essay is definitely a great way to increase your chances of being selected for one. Here are a few tips and strategies to consider when answering scholarship essay questions:

1. Understand the scholarship's mission: Tailor your essay to align with the objectives of the scholarship. By showing exactly how you fit the criteria, you'll demonstrate that you're an ideal candidate.

2. Tell a personal story: Share an experience that's unique to you and relates to the scholarship's mission. This will make your essay more memorable and relatable. Make sure to share not only what happened but also how it affected you and what lessons you learned.

3. Be concise: Keep your essay focused and clear to deliver your main points effectively. Remember to stay within any given word limits.

4. Write with passion: Show enthusiasm for your subject matter. Passionate essays are more engaging and better showcase your dedication to the topic. Use a strong, engaging personal voice rather than a dry, academic one.

5. Edit thoroughly: Proofread your essay for any grammatical or spelling errors. Ask someone to review your work to make sure it's polished and error-free. Remember that CollegeVine itself offers both free peer essay reviews and paid reviews by expert college admissions advisors.

6. Add some sparkle: Try to bring something unique in terms of substance and style. This could be an engaging opening, a creative structure, or a vivid use of language. While you don't want to force this, an unusual stylistic choice or twist can be the sugar on top that truly sets your application apart.

Best of luck with your scholarship applications!

a year ago

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