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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Significance of Graduating Class Size

Hi everyone! I've noticed that some colleges ask for my graduating class size in their applications. What exactly does graduating class size refer to, and why do colleges care about this information? Does it have any impact on my application?

a year ago

Graduating class size refers to the number of students in your grade at your high school who will be receiving their diplomas in the same year as you. Colleges ask for this information for several reasons:

1. Context: They want to see the context of your academic achievements, such as class rank (if available), in relation to the size of the group you're being compared to. A top 10% ranking in a class of 500 students is different from a top 10% ranking in a class of 50 students.

2. School Resources: Class size can provide a rough idea of the resources available at your high school and the level of competition among students. Larger schools might have more course offerings, extracurricular opportunities, and advanced classes. On the other hand, smaller schools can offer more personalized attention and potentially stronger teacher recommendations. Colleges understand the diversity of high school environments and factor this into their holistic reviews.

3. Demographics: Class size contributes to the demographic information colleges gather about their applicants, which helps them to better understand the applicant pool and to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion in their admissions processes.

While graduating class size itself may not have a direct or significant impact on your application, it provides context for other elements of your application that admissions officers consider. Focus on demonstrating your achievements, dedication, and potential in your application, regardless of your class size. Colleges evaluate applicants within the context of their own circumstances, seeking to understand each student's background and opportunities to ensure a fair evaluation.

a year ago

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