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Premed Math Requirements?

Hey everyone, I'm a junior interested in going into premed, but I'm unsure about the required math courses. What math classes should I take in high school and college to be well-prepared for the premed track? Any advice would be appreciated!

a year ago

Hey! It's great that you're interested in pursuing the premed track. While there are no specific math courses that you absolutely have to take in high school for premed, it's a good idea to build a strong foundation in math to be prepared for college-level coursework. In high school, aim to take at least Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and ideally a Pre-Calculus or Calculus course. These courses will provide you with the necessary background in math for college's general education requirements.

Once you're in college, the math requirements for premed students will typically include Calculus I and Statistics. However, specific requirements can vary depending on the medical schools you're planning to apply to, so it's important to research your target schools' guidance on this matter. Additionally, it's essential to perform well in your math courses, as this can demonstrate your ability to handle the rigorous coursework in medical school.

It’s also worth noting that the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) requires a strong understanding of mathematical and statistical concepts, particularly in the sections covering physics, chemistry, and research methodology. Therefore, having a solid math foundation will improve your performance on this critical standardized test.

In summary, focus on building a strong math foundation in high school and take the required math courses in college. Make sure you do well in these courses and stay informed about the specific requirements of your target medical schools. Good luck on your premed journey!

a year ago

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