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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are the UNLV online programs worth it?

Does anyone have experience with the online programs at UNLV? I'm considering taking some courses online while still working part-time. How's the quality of education and flexibility for students?

3 days ago

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) is known to offer a range of high-quality online programs catering to students who need to balance work and study. Their online programs typically are designed to provide the same rigorous curriculum as their on-campus counterparts. Course content, learning outcomes, and credit hours are equivalent, which ensures that your degree is respected and valued.

Online programs generally offer plenty of flexibility for students. Coursework is typically asynchronous—meaning you don't have to log in at specific times for live lectures or discussions. However, there will be due dates for assignments, quizzes, etc. It's essential to be organized and keep track of deadlines to succeed in this format of learning.

The value of any online program, however, should always be assessed on an individual basis. This will largely depend on your personal learning preferences, your career goals, and how well the specific program is facilitated. You might want to reach out to current students or alumni of the program for insights or get in touch with the admissions or student affairs department to learn more about their teaching methods and support services.

Remember, successful online learning requires discipline, self-motivation, and strong time management skills. If you're comfortable with this, UNLV could be a viable option to balance your educational pursuits while continuing to work part-time.

3 days ago

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