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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What majors does CCSU offer?

I'm considering applying to Central Connecticut State University but want to ensure they have majors that interest me. Does anyone know if CCSU offers a wide variety of majors, especially in engineering or business?

4 days ago

Yes, Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) does indeed offer a variety of majors across various fields, and you're in luck as it specifically supports programs in both engineering and business.

For engineering, CCSU offers a Bachelor of Science in Engineering with specializations in civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering, among others. This allows you to delve deep into your field of interest while also gaining a good understanding of foundational engineering principles.

When it comes to business, CCSU’s School of Business is recognized for its comprehensive suite of undergraduate programs. It provides business education across a range of disciplines like accounting, finance, international business, marketing, and management.

Remember, when choosing a major, consider not only your interests but also the program's reputation, faculty, and resources. You should also be aware of the potential career paths related to your major. This will help you make a well-rounded, informed decision.

4 days ago

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