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How is the apparel design degree program at different universities?

I'm really interested in pursuing a degree in apparel design but I'm not sure which schools have strong programs. Any recommendations or personal experiences you could share that might help me decide?

4 days ago

Certainly! There are several universities known for their strong apparel design programs.

Parsons School of Design at The New School is one of the top-ranked fashion schools in the world. The program focuses on design thinking, sustainable design practices, and technical skills such as patternmaking and draping. Parsons' graduates have a exceptional track record of securing roles in the fashion industry.

Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in New York offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Fashion Design. This program provides both a practical and theoretical understanding of fashion design, and it's renowned for its hands-on approach; students typically create their own designs in their first semester.

Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) is another high-ranking institution worth considering. Their apparel design program is quite comprehensive, with a strong focus on creativity, craftsmanship, and sustainability.

Over on the West Coast, the Academy of Art University in San Francisco offers a BFA in Fashion Design too. The program encourages students to explore their individual aesthetic, conceptual development, craftsmanship and innovation in design. One interesting aspect of their program is the annual runway show that senior students participate in, providing them with real-world experience.

It's important to visit these schools virtually or in person, if possible, to get a sense of which program aligns best with your personal and professional goals. Additionally, speaking with alumni or current students can also provide valuable insights into the program's strengths and weaknesses.

Lastly, remember each program has unique admissions requirements which might include a portfolio or samples of previous creative work, so make sure to check the specific requirements of each school when applying.

These are just a few options and there are many other universities offering great Apparel Design programs. The best fit will really depend on your specific needs and aspirations.

4 days ago

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