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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do I apply to Rutgers University effectively?

I'm planning to apply to Rutgers University and would love some advice on the application process. Does anyone have tips on how to make my application stand out? I’m especially curious about any specific essays or recommendations they might require.

3 days ago

Rutgers University is a terrific school, and it's great to hear you're interested in applying there! The most critical parts of your application are your academic achievements and your extracurricular involvement. While Rutgers has a holistic approach towards reviewing applications, it will consider your GPA, the rigor of your course schedule, and standardized test scores (notably though it's optional for Fall 2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic).

In regards to your query about essays and recommendations: Rutgers University requires one essay, and you'll have several prompts to choose from. It's important to choose a topic you're passionate about - it will shine through in your writing. Make sure your essay also reveals something unique about you and aligns with your academic and career goals.

As for letters of recommendation, Rutgers does not require any for undergraduate admissions. However, they will consider them if submitted. A solid recommendation from a teacher, counselor, or mentor who knows you well can provide added insight into your abilities and potential. Remember though, this is optional, not required.

Extracurricular activities are another significant part of your application. Rutgers looks favorably upon students who are involved in their communities, have assumed leadership roles, or have sustained commitment to a few activities over time.

One specific area often overlooked is 'fit'. To show Rutgers you’re a good fit, take time to understand its mission, values, and culture and make sure to tailor your application accordingly. If possible, try to connect the experiences you highlight in your application with the opportunities available at Rutgers.

Remember, your application should present a complete picture of who you are - your interests, experiences, ambitions, and what you will bring to Rutgers. So take your time and put forth the best application you can. Good luck!

3 days ago

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