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What are some top Virginia boarding schools I should consider?

I've been looking into boarding schools in Virginia as an option for my senior year. Does anyone have recommendations for top schools in terms of both academics and extracurriculars? Personal experiences would also be super helpful!

5 days ago

Virginia is home to some of the top boarding schools in the country, known for their rigorous academics and robust extracurricular opportunities. Considering your criteria, here are a few that you might consider:

1. The Episcopal High School- Located in Alexandria, Episcopal offers a broad curriculum with 48 Advanced Placement (AP) and advanced courses. It also has an impressive array of extracurricular activities, including an extensive arts program, athletics, and community service programs.

2. Woodberry Forest School: Sitting on a 1,200-acre campus in Madison, Woodberry Forest is an all-boys boarding school known for its strong community and exemplary academics, including AP and advanced course offerings. Outside the classroom, the school offers a wide variety of sports, arts, and leadership development opportunities.

3. Chatham Hall: Based in Chatham, this is an all-girls boarding school noted for its rigorous college-preparatory academics coupled with a strong emphasis on leadership and character. With extensive AP offerings, a strong equestrian program, and many other extracurriculars, it is highly regarded.

4. Madeira School: Situated in McLean, Madeira is an all-girls boarding school that boasts a unique internship program in addition to its strong academic curriculum. It offers a comprehensive range of co-curricular activities, including athletics and arts programs.

5. Foxcroft School: Located in Middleburg, Foxcroft provides an all-girls learning environment with a focus on college preparatory studies. Well-known for its exceptional equestrian program, Foxcroft also stands out for its STEM education and wide variety of clubs and activities.

It's important to note that while academic prestige is important, the best school for you will highly depend on what you're looking for in terms of community, school culture, and specific programs of interest. What works well for one student may not work as well for another. Also, remember to reach out to admissions offices, they can provide a wealth of information and may even let you connect with current students who can offer more detailed personal experiences.

5 days ago

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