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What are some popular majors at St. John's University?

I'm trying to figure out what major to pursue and I'm interested in St. John's University. Can anyone share information about popular or unique majors they offer, and what the programs are like?

13 days ago

St. John's University has a robust range of programs across several disciplines. However, there are a few majors at the university that really stand out due to their popularity, the resources devoted towards them, and the reputation they hold.

Business majors, particularly Finance and Risk Management & Insurance, are quite popular at St. John's University. The Tobin College of Business is well-regarded and offers a comprehensive curriculum with opportunities for internships, networking, and even study abroad options tailored to business students.

If you have an interest in the health field, Pharmacy Sciences and Biology (pre-med track) are strong programs at St. John's. The university's Pharmacy program, in particular, has a really strong reputation given its rigorous curriculum and strong outcomes for students after graduation.

The legal profession is also something to consider as St. John's offers a Legal Studies major that provides a solid foundation for anyone considering going to law school. It's one of the unique offerings of St. John's University.

Finally, St. John's University has an exceptional Sport Management major that's especially popular among students interested in the business and management aspects of the sports industry. The program offers firsthand exposure to New York's vibrant sports scene.

Remember, when picking a major, consider your personal interests, career goals, and what kind of academic journey you would enjoy. You can always change your major down the road, so don't feel obligated to stick to whatever you choose initially if your interests evolve.

13 days ago

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