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Need advice on writing an overcoming a challenge essay

Hey, I need to write an essay about overcoming a challenge in my life. Are there any good examples I could take a look at? Or any advice on how to make this essay strong and relatable? Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! Overcoming a challenge essays can be powerful and impactful if you approach them in the right way. I'll share some tips and advice on how to make your essay strong and relatable:

1. Choose a unique challenge: Try to choose a challenge that isn't too generic or common. Avoid discussing things like grades, standardized tests, or common life events unless your experience is truly unique or you have an unexpected way to frame it.

2. Focus on personal growth: The crux of an overcoming a challenge essay should be the personal growth and development you went through as a result of the struggle. Make sure to illustrate how the challenge affected you at first, the steps you took to address it, and the positive changes or realizations you experienced as a result.

3. Be sincere and genuine: Don't exaggerate or downplay the challenge you faced. Present the situation honestly and openly, explaining the true impact it had on your life. The admissions committee will appreciate your authenticity.

4. Show, don't tell: Use descriptive language, anecdotes, and sensory details to convey your emotions, thoughts, and experiences during the challenging time. By painting a vivid picture, you will help the reader better understand how difficult the challenge was and emphasize the significance of your growth.

5. Maintain a positive tone: Although you're discussing a challenge, make sure your essay ends on a positive note. Focus on the strength you gained, the lessons you learned, or the positive outcomes that emerged from the challenge.

6. Keep it concise: Make sure your essay is well-organized and easy to follow. Avoid long paragraphs and unnecessary details. Stick to the most important aspects of your story to keep the reader engaged.

A good example to follow would be an essay about overcoming a speech impediment and how it led the writer to become an active public speaker, competing in debate competitions, and ultimately gaining confidence in their communication skills. Another example could be an essay about a student who struggled with a learning disability and overcame it by developing unique techniques to understand and process information, ultimately excelling academically and helping others with similar challenges.

A great CollegeVine blog post is linked here, definitely check it out:

In summary, focus on the personal growth you experienced through overcoming your challenge and illustrate your journey using vivid details and a positive tone. Best of luck with your essay!

a year ago

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