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Geometry practice for SAT?

Hey guys! I struggle with geometry and I'm taking the SAT soon. What resources would you recommend for practicing SAT-specific geometry problems?

a year ago

Hello! To improve your SAT-specific geometry skills, I'd recommend using the following resources:

1. Official SAT materials: The College Board provides free official SAT practice tests, which can give you a good feel for the types of geometry questions you'll see on the real exam. You can find these practice tests on their website or through their partnership with Khan Academy.

2. Khan Academy: As mentioned, Khan Academy has partnered with the College Board to provide free official SAT practice. They offer diagnostic quizzes, targeted lessons, and problem sets in topic areas, including geometry, which are tailored to your skill level based on their diagnostic assessments.

3. CollegeVine: CollegeVine has a range of SAT prep resources, which you can access here:

4. SAT-specific geometry books: There are books dedicated specifically to helping students master the math concepts covered on the SAT. Some options include "Dr. John Chung's SAT Math: 58 Perfect Tips and 20 Complete Tests for the SAT" and "Barron's SAT Math Workbook."

5. YouTube tutorials: Some high-quality YouTube channels provide in-depth SAT geometry tutorials, like SupertutorTV, Magoosh, and The Organic Chemistry Tutor, which can be particularly helpful if you prefer visual learning.

6. Your teacher: Even if you haven't taken geometry in school yet, reach out to the geometry teacher, as they've assuredly helped students prep for the SAT before, and will be able to give you the most personalized guidance of any of these resources.

Remember that practicing consistently and focusing on your weak areas will be key to your success. Make sure to review the explanations for any problems you get wrong to understand your mistakes and improve upon them, and even to go over your correct answers, to ensure your process was sound in addition to your result.

Good luck with your SAT preparation!

a year ago

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