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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where can I find Stanford sample essays?

Hi everyone, I want to get a feel for the style and content of successful Stanford essays before working on my own. Does anyone know where I can find some good examples of accepted essays? Any resources or websites you can recommend would be great!

a year ago

Hi there! It's a good idea to look at successful essays to understand what works for Stanford. There are several places you can find these essays, and I'll list a few below:

1. CollegeVine's Essay Guides: CollegeVine offers essay guides on their website, which include various successful essays, tips, and advice for top colleges, including Stanford. You'll find great examples and useful insights on writing a compelling essay for your application here:

2. Books: Many books have been published, compiling successful college essays from top schools. A popular one is "50 Successful Stanford Application Essays" by Gen and Kelly Tanabe. Look for this or similar books online or at your local library.

3. College Confidential and Reddit forums: You can often find students who have been accepted into schools, including Stanford, sharing their essays on these platforms. While the quality of these essays may vary, it's an excellent resource to see what worked for other students.

4. Blogs: Some students share their application essays and insights on personal blogs or educational websites. A quick Google search should provide you with some valuable links.

Remember, while it's helpful to see what has worked for others, it's essential to approach your essay with your unique perspective and experiences. Use these examples as inspiration, but write an original essay that genuinely reflects who you are. Good luck!

a year ago

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