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Tips for writing an AP English argument essay?

Hey r/applyingtocollege! I'm taking AP English and I've been struggling with the argument essay portion of the exam. Any tips or strategies for improving my argumentative writing skills? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're seeking advice to improve your argumentative writing skills. Here are some effective tips and strategies to help you excel in the AP English argument essay portion:

1. Understand the prompt and question: Read the prompt carefully and make sure you understand what it's asking. Break down the question into smaller components, and make sure you address all aspects in your essay.

2. Develop a clear thesis: Your thesis statement should succinctly present your argument and outline the main points you will be making in your essay. Make sure it is clear, concise, and directly answers the prompt.

3. Use strong evidence: To support your arguments, use a variety of evidence from various sources, like historical events, literary works, or personal experiences. Make sure the evidence is relevant and effectively supports your argument.

4. Organize your ideas: Plan your essay by creating an outline that clearly defines your key points, evidence, and examples. This will help ensure your essay is structured and easy to follow.

5. Address counterarguments: To strengthen your argument, address any potential counterarguments and explain why your position remains valid despite them. This demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic and shows that you've considered different perspectives.

6. Use appropriate language and tone: An AP English argument essay is formal, so avoid using colloquialisms or slang. Use clear, concise language, and maintain an objective tone.

7. Writing concisely: Be precise and to the point in your writing. Eliminate unnecessary words and phrases that do not contribute to your argument or understanding of the topic.

8. Edit and revise: Leave some time after writing to review and revise your essay. Check for grammatical and spelling errors, and ensure the essay flows smoothly from one point to another.

9. Practice, practice, practice: The more you practice writing argument essays, the more you'll improve your skills and confidence. Try writing essays on different topics or using past AP English exam prompts as a guide.

10. Seek feedback: Share your essays with your teacher, peers, or someone you trust, and ask for constructive feedback. This can help you identify areas in which you need to improve, and gives you an opportunity to learn from others' perspectives.

By following these tips, you'll be better prepared to tackle the AP English argument essay portion and improve your overall writing skills. Good luck!

a year ago

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