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Tips for writing a killer AP argument essay?

Hey peeps, so with AP season just around the corner, I'm stressing a little bit about the AP argument essay. Any tips or strategies on how to write a solid argument essay that could help boost my score? I'm all ears. Thanks!

a year ago

Hey! No worries, I totally get the AP exam stress. Here are a few tips to help you with your AP argument essay:

1. Understand the prompt: Make sure you've read and fully grasped the task at hand, considering all aspects of the question.

2. Craft a strong thesis: Your thesis statement is your essay's backbone, so make it specific and assertive, demonstrating your central argument.

3. Plan your essay's structure: Outline your main points, supporting evidence, and counterarguments if applicable. This will help guide you as you write.

4. Use concrete evidence: Draw from the provided sources or relevant examples to support your argument. Be sure to explain the significance of the evidence.

5. Edit and revise: Give yourself enough time to review your essay, making improvements to organization, clarity, and grammar.

Stay calm, and best of luck with your AP exams!

a year ago

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