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What calculators are allowed for standardized tests?

Hi all, I'm getting ready for the SAT and AP exams this year. Can someone point me to the list of permitted calculators so I can make sure I have the right one for the tests?

a year ago

Hi there! It's important to have the right calculator for your standardized tests. The College Board provides detailed information on the types of calculators allowed for both the SAT and AP exams on their website.

For the SAT, you can use most graphing calculators and all scientific calculators, as well as some models of four-function calculators. However, there are certain models or features of calculators that are not allowed, such as those with QWERTY keyboards or ones that require internet access. You can find the specific calculator policy for the SAT here:

For AP exams, the calculator policy can vary depending on the specific subject or test. Generally, you are allowed to use a graphing or scientific calculator for the free-response section of math and science exams, but some restrictions apply. Each AP subject has its own calculator policy, which you can find on the AP Students website:

I recommend reviewing the calculator policies for the specific tests you plan to take to ensure your calculator complies with the requirements. Best of luck in your exams!

a year ago

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