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Quickest doctor degree to pursue?

Hey, everyone! I'm interested in becoming a doctor, but I'm curious about which medical fields are known for shorter schooling and residency periods. Can someone help me with this?

a year ago

Hi there! It's important to keep in mind that pursuing a career in medicine typically requires a significant time commitment, regardless of the specialty. That being said, some fields may have relatively shorter training periods compared to others.

After completing a 4-year undergraduate degree, all aspiring doctors must attend medical school, which is another 4 years. After medical school, graduates begin their residency, which varies in duration depending on the specialty. Here's a quick overview of some fields with shorter residency periods:

1. Family Medicine: A 3-year residency focused on primary care and preventive medicine across all age groups.

2. Internal Medicine: A 3-year residency that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of adult diseases.

3. Pediatrics: A 3-year residency centered on the care of infants, children, and adolescents.

4. Psychiatry: A 4-year residency dedicated to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental disorders.

While these fields may have relatively shorter residencies, it's crucial to choose a specialty based on your genuine interests and passion for the work, rather than the duration of training. The long-term satisfaction and success in your career will be much more rewarding if you're truly invested in the field you choose.

In summary, there isn't necessarily a "quickest" doctor degree, but some specialties do require shorter residency periods than others. Keep in mind that the time spent in residency will ultimately be just a fraction of your entire medical career, so it's best to choose a field you're really passionate about. Good luck!

a year ago

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