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SAT: 720 math
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Getting a strong recommendation?

I know having a strong recommendation letter is important for college applications. Could you guys suggest some ways to develop relationships with teachers or other mentors to ensure they write a strong recommendation for me? What should I focus on throughout the year to maintain these relationships?

a year ago

Developing a strong relationship with your teachers or mentors is essential in securing a well-rounded and impactful recommendation letter. Here are some strategies to develop and maintain those relationships:

1. Engage actively in class: This includes asking questions, participating in discussions, and showing genuine interest in the subject matter. Teachers appreciate students who put in the effort and are curious about the subject.

2. Attend office hours: Make use of the extra time the teacher provides outside of class by attending office hours or asking for additional help on assignments. This demonstrates your commitment to learning and allows you to have more personal interactions with your teacher.

3. Show initiative: Take on leadership roles in class or related clubs/activities, such as starting a study group or organizing a volunteer project. This demonstrates your ability to lead and collaborate with peers, traits that mentors can highlight in their letters.

4. Share your personal goals and aspirations: As you get to know your teachers better, share your college and career aspirations with them. This allows them to understand your motivation, work ethic, and potential in a more holistic manner.

5. Be genuine and respectful: Treat your teachers with kindness and respect, and be genuinely interested in getting to know them as individuals. Show appreciation for their time and efforts in supporting your growth.

6. Communicate throughout the year: Stay in touch with your mentors throughout the academic year, even after their class has ended. Update them on your achievements and progress, and continue seeking their guidance and support.

7. Give ample notice and guidance: When the time comes to request a recommendation letter, give your teachers or mentors plenty of notice (at least a month). Provide a brief outline of your accomplishments, goals, and specific aspects you'd like them to highlight. This will help them craft a tailored and thoughtful recommendation.

By focusing on these strategies, you'll be able to develop meaningful relationships with your teachers and mentors, paving the way for strong and compelling recommendation letters for your college applications.

a year ago

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