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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How can I find a job while still in high school?

I'm a junior trying to juggle academics and extracurriculars, but I want to earn some extra cash. What are some tips or common first jobs for high school students? Anyone have any experience balancing work and school?

9 days ago

The first step will be to consider what kind of job you want and how much time you can commit. Do you want a job that extends your interests and extracurriculars, or are you just looking for something to cover expenses? Some popular jobs for high school students include working at a retail store, restaurant, movie theatre, or local business. If you enjoy your extracurriculars, you might even consider finding a related job, like coaching or tutoring in the subjects you excel in.

Create a resume that highlights your skills, and don't forget to include your involvements in school clubs or community organizations. It'll show potential employers that you're responsible and capable of juggling commitments. When applying, remember to dress respectfully and be professional.

As for balancing work and school, top tips include making a strict schedule that allows for both commitments and downtime, regularly checking in with yourself to ensure you're not overworked, and being open with your employers about your primary commitment to your education.

It's a tough balancing act, but many high school students have found ways to do both successfully. By being organized, focused, and proactive, you can not only gain some professional experience but also potentially earn some money for your college savings or personal expenses.

9 days ago

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