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Looking for UChicago supplemental essay examples

Hello all! I'm applying to UChicago and was hoping to find some successful examples of their supplemental essays. Do you know where I can find some or did you come across any useful strategies while writing yours? Appreciate any help!

a year ago

Hello! It's a great idea to look at examples to get a better understanding of what UChicago might be looking for in their supplemental essays. You're in luck because UChicago is known for its unique and creative essay prompts, which can make for some exciting examples!

Firstly, I recommend checking out the UChicago Admissions website itself. They often feature past years' successful essays from admitted students. This is a valuable resource that shows exactly what UChicago appreciated in those essays. You can find some examples here:

Another great source for sample essays is CollegeVine, whose guides cover a variety of schools, including UChicago. You can check out this link for guidance on writing UChicago supplemental essays:

For actual example essays from real students, take a look at this article:

Remember, these essays are an opportunity to demonstrate your creativity, critical thinking, and passion for learning. A unique and well-executed response will make a memorable impression on the admissions committee. Good luck!

a year ago

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