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UCSD Room and Board Cost

Hey everyone, I was wondering what the cost for room and board at UCSD is like? I want to have a good estimate of the overall cost of attending the school. Any info would be greatly appreciated!

a year ago

Hello! The cost of room and board at UC San Diego (UCSD) can vary depending on the housing option you choose and your personal living expenses. However, on their website, UCSD provides a general estimate for room and board for undergraduate students living on campus. For the 2021-2022 academic year, the estimated cost for room and board was approximately $14,340.

Keep in mind that this is just an estimate, and the actual costs may vary depending on factors such as whether you opt for a single, double, or triple room, your meal plan, and your personal spending habits. To get a more accurate estimate, I would recommend visiting UCSD's Housing, Dining, and Hospitality (HDH) website ( for detailed information on housing options and meal plans.

In addition to room and board, you should also consider other expenses related to attending UCSD, such as tuition and fees, books and supplies, transportation, and personal expenses. UCSD provides a Cost of Attendance estimate on their website, which can help you create a reasonable budget for your time at the university.

Don't forget to explore financial aid and scholarship options to help offset the costs. The UCSD Financial Aid and Scholarships Office ( is a great place to start looking for financial assistance.

Good luck with your planning and I hope this information helps!

a year ago

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