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What to include in my UMich Ross Portfolio?

Hi folks! I'm applying to UMich Ross and I need to submit a portfolio. I'm curious to know what kinds of things would be appropriate to include. If anyone has any examples or suggestions, please share!

9 months ago

Hello! The UMich Ross portfolio is a great way to showcase your abilities, talents, and interests, especially if they are relevant to business. Here are some ideas on what you can include in your portfolio:

1. Academic projects: Highlight any work you've done in your courses that demonstrate your abilities in problem-solving, critical thinking, or teamwork, especially if they pertain to business or economics.

2. Extracurricular activities: Mention leadership roles or significant contributions you've made in clubs or organizations such as DECA, FBLA, or Model UN. You can include posters, flyers, or other materials you've created for club events or competitions.

3. Work experience or internships: Discuss any relevant work experience or internships you've completed (e.g., working at a family's business, a local start-up, or a corporate internship). Include a brief description of your responsibilities, projects you've worked on, and any notable achievements.

4. Entrepreneurial ventures: If you've started your own business or worked on a side project, highlight that in your portfolio. Include details on the business idea, inception, growth, and any success you've seen to date.

5. Volunteer work or community service: Showcase any business-related community service or volunteer work you've done, such as teaching financial literacy, organizing fundraising events for a local non-profit, or participating in community development projects.

6. Awards and recognitions: Include any significant awards or accolades you have received, particularly those related to business, academics, or leadership.

7. Creative works: If you have a knack for design, writing, or multimedia production, include samples of your work that demonstrate your creative and business-oriented thinking. This could be a marketing campaign, a logo design, or a business-related article you wrote for your school's newspaper.

8. Personal statement or reflection: Consider writing a brief personal statement to accompany your portfolio, explaining your passion for business and your reasons for pursuing a business education at Ross. This can help provide context for the items you include.

Remember, the goal of the portfolio is to showcase your unique talents, experiences, and accomplishments in a way that highlights your potential as a future business leader. Focus on showcasing what makes you stand out and how your experiences have prepared you for success at Ross.

Good luck with your application!

9 months ago

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