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Poetry scholarships for high school students?

Hey all, I love writing poetry and was curious if there are any poetry-based scholarships available for high school students? If so, any tips or resources for applying? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! It's excellent to hear that you're passionate about writing poetry. There are indeed various poetry-based scholarships available for high school students. To help you get started, here are a few well-known poetry scholarship opportunities:

1. Scholastic Art & Writing Awards: This prestigious competition recognizes creative writing achievements and offers scholarships for various creative writing categories, including poetry. Learn more at the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards website (

2. Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award: Open to poets aged 11 to 17, this is an international competition that awards the top 15 winners with a variety of prizes, including publication, mentoring, and attending a writing retreat. Visit the website for more information (

3. Nancy Thorp Poetry Contest: This contest is exclusively for high school sophomore and junior girls. Winners receive cash prizes and publication, as well as college scholarships up to $5,000 if they choose to attend Hollins University. More info can be found on the Hollins University website (

To maximize your chances of success, I'd recommend:

- Researching and applying to multiple scholarships, as each one might have a different deadline, eligibility criteria, or theme.

- Carefully following the submission guidelines and criteria for each scholarship opportunity.

- Polishing your poems by seeking feedback from friends, family, or mentors, and revising your work accordingly.

- Considering participating in writing workshops or joining a writing group to sharpen your skills and gain valuable insights.

Keep in mind that there are numerous other poetry scholarships out there, and it is worth exploring databases for more opportunities. Keep honing your craft, and best of luck in your search for poetry scholarships!

a year ago

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