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Prepping for a college interview

I have a college interview coming up and one of the questions I've seen was 'tell me about yourself.' How have you guys approached this question in your interviews? Any sample answers or tips to make a good impression?

a year ago

In order to make a good impression when answering the "tell me about yourself" question, it's essential to be concise, honest, and showcase your passions and individuality. Here's a basic format you can follow, with a sample answer as well:

1. Brief introduction: Begin by stating your name, where you're from, and a little about your background.

2. Academic interests: Share your favorite subjects in school, any awards or recognition you've received, and how they've informed your college aspirations or intended major(s).

3. Extracurricular activities: Talk about your involvement in clubs, sports, or other organizations, and highlight any leadership roles you've taken in these activities.

4. Hobbies or passions: Mention any personal interests that are unique to you or reveal more about your character.

5. Future goals: Sum up by touching on what you hope to accomplish in college and beyond.

Sample Answer:

"Hi, my name is Jane Doe and I'm from Springfield. I attend Springfield High School where I found my enthusiasm for biology and environmental science. I recently won our school's Outstanding Science Achievement Award, which motivated me to pursue a degree in environmental studies.

Outside of academics, I was the president of the environmental club and participated in varsity soccer as the team captain. In my free time, I enjoy volunteering at a local wildlife rehabilitation center and exploring photography.

Through my college education and experiences, my ultimate goal is to become an environmental advocate and make a positive impact on preserving our natural habitats."

Remember to tailor your answer to your own experiences and interests, and to practice your response beforehand to deliver it confidently during the interview. You got this!

a year ago

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