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Opportunities for high school freshmen and sophomores

Hi everyone! I'm a high school sophomore and I'm looking for scholarship opportunities and such. Are there any scholarships or competitions open to high school freshmen and sophomores that I should be aware of? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! It's excellent that you're already considering scholarship opportunities and competitions at this stage in your high school journey. There are indeed a number of scholarships and competitions available specifically for freshmen and sophomores.

Some scholarship opportunities include:

1. The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards - recognizes students for outstanding volunteer service.

2. The Carson Scholars Program - rewards high-achieving students (3.75 GPA or higher) who demonstrate a strong commitment to their communities.

3. The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s Young Scholars Program - a selective scholarship program for high-achieving students from lower-income backgrounds.

As for competitions, you might want to explore:

1. Scholastic Art & Writing Awards - a great opportunity for young artists and writers.

2. The National History Day Competition - for those who enjoy researching and presenting historical topics.

3. Science Olympiad - for students interested in STEM fields with various competitions nationwide.

Remember that scholarships and competitions may have specific eligibility requirements, so always double-check the guidelines before applying. Keep an eye out for local opportunities as well, as they are often less competitive and can yield valuable experience. Best of luck in your search!

a year ago

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