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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Community colleges in the DFW area?

I'm looking into community colleges around Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, as an affordable option to kickstart my college education. Any recommendations or info on the options available here?

22 hours ago

Sure! Several community colleges in the Dallas-Fort Worth area could be a good fit for starting your higher education journey. Here's a brief rundown of some:

- Dallas College (Formerly Dallas County Community College District): This system includes seven different campuses in and around the Dallas area including Brookhaven, Cedar Valley, Eastfield, El Centro, Mountain View, North Lake, and Richland. Each campus has its own set of specialty programs.

- Tarrant County College: TCC operates multiple campuses around Fort Worth, including Northeast, Northwest, South, Southeast, and Trinity River. The TCC Connect Campus also offers a variety of online courses, ideal if you're looking for flexibility in your schedule.

- Collin College: Located in the suburbs of Dallas, Collin College has campuses in Plano, Frisco, McKinney, Allen, and Wylie. They offer a wide range of degree programs and have partnerships with several universities if you're planning to transfer after obtaining your associate's degree.

- North Central Texas College: You'll find this college a bit more to the north in Gainesville, but they do have campuses in Corinth and Flower Mound, which could be more convenient based on your location.

Factors to consider when choosing a community college include proximity to your home, the availability of your preferred major, the institution's partnerships with four-year universities (if you plan on transferring), and the overall cost. Remember, you can speak with admission counselors or advisors at the colleges for more detailed information. They're typically quite knowledgeable and can provide assistance tailored to your circumstances and goals.

22 hours ago

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