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UMD Short Answer Questions?

Hey everyone! I'm currently working on my UMD application, and I was wondering if any of you could give me some insight into the short answer questions. What should I focus on, and what are they looking for in my answers?

a year ago

Hi there! When it comes to short answer questions for UMD, you'll want to make sure your responses are focused, specific, and genuine. Here are a few tips that you can follow:

1. Be concise: Since these are short answer questions and not full-length essays, you'll need to get straight to the point and avoid lengthy introductions. Make every sentence count and be mindful of the word count limit.

2. Show your personality: Use this opportunity to let your personality and unique qualities shine through. Admissions officers are looking for students who will be a good fit for their campus community, so don't be afraid to show a bit of who you are as an individual.

3. Focus on specific experiences and examples: Rather than making broad, generic statements, make sure to use specific examples or experiences to illustrate your points. This will not only make your responses more engaging but also help demonstrate your passion and commitment.

4. Showcase your knowledge of the university: Make an effort to connect your experiences and interests with specific aspects of UMD, such as particular programs, professors, or campus organizations. This shows that you've done your research and that you genuinely see yourself thriving at UMD.

5. Maintain a genuine tone: Avoid using overly formal or academic language; instead, write as if you're talking to a friend or a family member. This will not only make your responses more engaging but also help convey your authentic voice.

6. Proofread and revise: Make sure to carefully proofread your short answer responses to avoid any grammar or punctuation errors. As these are shorter pieces of writing, even small mistakes can be more noticeable. Take time to revise your answers, seeking feedback from a trusted friend, teacher, or counselor if needed.

For more tips on the UMD essays click here:

Remember that there's no "one-size-fits-all" approach to these questions. The key is to focus on what's most important to you, and highlight aspects of your background and experiences that set you apart as an applicant. Good luck with your UMD application!

a year ago

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