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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How does a 4.0 grading scale convert to letter grades?

Hi everyone. I'm curious about how the conversion from the 4.0 GPA scale to letter grades works. How do A, B, C, and D grades correspond to the 4.0 scale? Any help would be really appreciated!

9 months ago

Hello! I'm happy to help you understand the conversion between the 4.0 GPA scale and letter grades. Here's a general breakdown of how the 4.0 GPA scale typically corresponds to letter grades:

- A (4.0): This represents excellent or outstanding work. Some schools further break this down into A (4.0) and A- (3.7) to differentiate the level of mastery.

- B (3.0): This signifies above-average or good work. Similarly, this can also be split up into B+ (3.3) and B- (2.7).

- C (2.0): This stands for average or satisfactory work. Just like A and B, many schools will divide this into C+ (2.3) and C- (1.7) as well.

- D (1.0): This indicates below-average or poor work. D+ (1.3) and D- (0.7) might also be used in some grading systems.

- F (0.0): This represents failing work, and no grade points are earned.

Please note that the specific grading scales can vary slightly between institutions or even teachers. It's always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the grading policies at your school to ensure you're fully understanding your grades and GPA.

9 months ago

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