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Paid Internships for High School Students

Hey all, I'm 15 and really interested in finding a paid internship before I graduate. Any ideas on where I can find paid internships suitable for high school students?

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're interested in gaining work experience through a paid internship. Here are some ways to find internships suitable for high school students:

1. Networking: Talk to your teachers, school counselors, family, and friends to see if they know of any paid internships available for high school students. Personal connections can often lead to internships that might not be well-advertised.

2. Local businesses and organizations: Check out local businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies in your area. They may offer internships tailored to high school students. Reach out to them, express your interest, and inquire if there are any opportunities available.

3. Online job search engines: Websites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn occasionally list internships for high school students. You can filter your search by location, field, and type of position (paid internships) to find suitable opportunities.

4. Specialized internship search platforms: Some websites, like and Chegg Internships, offer a search platform dedicated to internships. You can filter the search according to your age or education level, which will allow you to find internships specific to high school students.

5. College and university websites: Some colleges and universities offer pre-college programs or internships for high school students. Keep an eye out for these opportunities, as they may provide valuable experiences and connections related to your field of interest.

6. Seasonal opportunities: Many companies and organizations primarily offer internships during the summer. Start your search early, as these opportunities are typically highly competitive and have early deadlines.

Remember, persistence is key, and it might take some time to find an internship that suits your interests and needs. Stay proactive in your search, and good luck with your internship hunt!

a year ago

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